Sky Watch Friday is hosted by Yogi
Sunday Scribblings 2 is hosted by Magical Mystical Teacher
Each Wednesday, I will post a new prompt.
At midnight (Pacific Time) Friday, you will be able to link your writing to this site.
Friday Fictioneers is hosted by Rochelle
Photo Friday is hosted by Jen
Friday Photo Journal is hosted by Melissa
Friday My Town Shoot Outs is hosted by Mersad
Paint Party Friday is hosted by Kristin and EVA
Orange You Glad It's Friday is hosted by Maria
Country Kids is hosted by Coombe Mill
5 minute Friday is hosted by Kate
haiku my heart friday is hosted by Rebecca @ recuerda mi corazon
Friday-Flowerday is hosted by Holunderbluetchen
FloralFridayFotos is hosted by NixBlog
Friday 21.12.12
Friday 11.7.14 + Friday 12.12.14
Friday 3.7.15 + Friday 25.12.15
Friday 1.7.16 + Friday 23.12.16