Shadow Shot Sunday 2 is hosted by Magical Mystical Teacher + Rose(chubskulit) + Gemma Wiseman

Straight Out of the Camera Sunday (SOOC) is hosted by Magical Mystical Teacher + Gemma Wiseman

Colourful is the World is hosted by Flottelotta Blau
I Heart Macro is hosted by Laura
Black and White Sunday is hosted by Paula

6 hosts from around the world
Sunday Stills is hosted by Ed
Haiku Horizons is hosted by oneofaclass
Sunday Snippets - A Catholic Carnival is hosted by RAnn

Song-Ography is hosted by Kath

Inspired Sunday is hosted by Sally

The Bird D'Pot is hosted by Anni
Sunday Sketches is hosted by Alexandra
Silent Sunday is hosted by cosmicgirlie
Silly Sunday is hosted by Steve

Photo Three of a Kind (Fototriss) is hosted by Helena Friberg

Theme announced each Saturday
Sentimental Sundays is hosted by DT members - Ann E., Annika, Chris, and Joanna Ceal, Cheryl, and Kimberly!

Sunday Whirl is hosted by Brenda W

The Poetry Pantry is hosted @ Poets United
Photo Sunday is hosted by Noah Clark
Camera Critters is hosted by Misty + supported by Tammy

Pet Pride is hosted by Bozo and magiceye @ wingsandpaws

Sundays in My City is hosted by Unknown Mami
Sunday 27.5.12 + Sunday 23.12.12
+ Sunday 14.4.13 + Sunday 15.12.13
+ Sunday 22.6.14 + Sunday 14.12.14