

*Click on the badges to link up to each meme.
*Be aware that this blog is set to Australian Eastern Time, so each daily post may serve as a reminder for northern hemisphere bloggers of upcoming memes.
**Links are checked 6 monthly. Check dates appear at the end of each post.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Saturday Memes

Scenic Weekends is hosted by Gemma Wiseman

Sandra Heska King - Still Saturday
Still Saturday is hosted by Sandra

Shine the Divine
I Heart Macro is hosted by Laura

Saturday's Critters
Saturday's Critters is hosted by Eileen

Camera Critters

Camera Critters is hosted by Misty Dawn

The Gallery is hosted by Tara
Theme announced for Wednesday links 

Weekend Reflections is hosted by James

Weekend Joys - a photo challenge!
Helgegleder (Weekend Joys) is hosted by Vivi

Sepia Saturday is hosted by Alan Burnett

Saturday PhotoHunt is hosted by Sandi

Weekend in Black and White is hosted by Dragonstar

Pink Saturday is hosted by Beverly @ How Sweet the Sound

Weekly Top Shot is hosted by Madge

Six Word Saturday is hosted by Cate @ Show My Face

Saturday 9 is hosted by Sam Winters

Today's Flowers is hosted by TODAY'S FLOWERS TEAM LUIZ SANTILLI JR.

Sunday 27.5.12 + Saturday 22.12.12
+ Saturday 21.6.14 + Saturday 13.12.14

Friday, January 30, 2015

Friday Memes

Sky Watch Friday is hosted by Yogi

Geometric Friday is hosted by LorikArt

Friday Greens is hosted by Nick

My Photo
Sunday Scribblings 2 is hosted by Magical Mystical Teacher
Each Wednesday, I will post a new prompt. 
At midnight (Pacific Time) Friday, you will be able to link your writing to this site. 

Feline Friday is hosted by Steve   

Feline Art Friday is hosted by Julie

Friday Photo Journal
Friday Photo Journal is hosted by Melissa

Show and Tell Friday is hosted by Cindy

Friday My Town Shoot Outs is hosted by volunteers

My Memory Art six word fridays
Six Word Fridays is hosted by Adrienne

Freedom Fridays is hosted by Evelyn

Paint Party Friday is hosted by Kristin and EVA

Orange You Glad It's Friday
Orange You Glad It's Friday is hosted by Maria

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall
Country Kids is hosted by Coombe Mill

Five Minute Friday
5 minute Friday is hosted by Lisa-Jo

Haiku Friday
Haiku Friday is hosted by LouCeeL

haiku my heart friday is hosted by Rebecca @ recuerda mi corazon

Join :-)
Friday-Flowerday is hosted by Holunderbluetchen

Postcard Friendship Friday is hosted by Beth @ The Best Hearts are Crunchy

FloralFridayFotos is hosted by NixBlog

* Checked 
Friday 21.12.12
Friday 11.7.14 + Friday 12.12.14

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thursday Memes

Signs, Signs is hosted by Lesley

Good Fences is hosted by TexWisGirl

Look Up, Look Down is hosted by Debbie @ Travel with Intent

That's What HE said Thursday is hosted by Julie and Rose

Little by Little
Little Things Thursdays is hosted by Kim

Share Your Cup Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday is hosted by Jann

Torsdagstema is hosted by Birgitta

Share the Joy Thursday is hosted by Meri

Thematic Photographic is hosted by Carmi Levy

Jenny Matlock
Alphabe-Thursday is hosted by Jenny Matlock

Theme Thursday is hosted bypadraig mouse (aka kimy) Squirrel Brian Miller tut-tut dennis Megan

Tablescape Thursday is hosted by Susan @ Between Naps on the Porch

** Checked 
Thursday 20.12.12 
Thursday 26.12.13
Thursday 10.7.14 + Thursday 18.12.14

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wednesday Memes

ABC Wednesday Round 16 is hosted by Mrs Nesbitt

My Photo
Sunday Scribblings 2 is hosted by Magical Mystical Teacher
Each Wednesday, I will post a new prompt. 
At midnight (Pacific Time) Friday, you will be able to link your writing to this site. 

52 Photos Project
52 Photos project is hosted by Bella

My Memory Art
Black and White Wednesdays is hosted by Adrienne

Haiku Circus is hosted by OneofaClass

Onsdagstema is hosted by Birgitta

NatureFootstep Abstract - included in Digital Art meme - is hosted by NatureFootstep

Water World Wednesday is hosted by Manang Kim

Waiting on Wednesday (spotlights upcoming book releases) is hosted by Jill

Wordless Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday is hosted by Aquarian

Wild Bird Wednesday is hosted by Stewart

Nature Notes is hosted by Rambling Woods

Wednesday Hodgepodge is hosted by Joyce

My Little Drummer Boys
Aussie Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday 

Centerpiece Wednesdays is hosted by the Style Sisters

Outdoor Wednesday is hosted by Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer hosted by Should Be Reading

3 Word Wednesday is hosted by Thom @ Three Word Wednesday


Wednesday 9.1.13 + Wednesday 18.12.13
Wednesday 25.6.14 + Wednesday 17.12.14