

*Click on the badges to link up to each meme.
*Be aware that this blog is set to Australian Eastern Time, so each daily post may serve as a reminder for northern hemisphere bloggers of upcoming memes.
**Links are checked 6 monthly. Check dates appear at the end of each post.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Tuesday Memes

Ruby Tuesday Too photo BadgeRTTooinwhite_zps14247ad6.jpg
Ruby Tuesday Too is hosted by Magical Mystical Teacher + Gemma Wiseman

The Happiness Project is hosted by Leigh

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros is hosted by Diane

100 Word Challenge writing prompt
100 Word Challenge is hosted by velvetverbosity

Two Shoes Tuesday - writing prompt - is hosted by Josie

Sweet Shot Tuesdays is hosted by Kent Weakley

You're Gonna Love it Tuesday is hosted by Kathe

Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by Should Be Reading

Our World Tuesday is hosted by Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sylvia and Sandy

NatureFootstep Blo-Ma (flowers + macros) is hosted by NatureFootstep

Cats on Tuesday is hosted by Gattina

Fabric Tuesday is hosted by Heather and Megan

Communal Global is hosted by Lola


Tuesday 1.1.13
Tuesday 15.7.14 + Tuesday 16.12.14

Monday, June 29, 2015

Monday Memes

Monday Mellow Yellows is hosted by Gemma Wiseman

Macro Monday intro badge photo MM2badgeintrofinal_zps09e45e9a.jpg
Macro Monday 2 is hosted by Magical Mystical Teacher and Gemma Wiseman

Small Monday is hosted by Andrzej

Macro Monday is hosted by Steffi

Macro Monday Mixer is hosted by Stephanie

Inspire Me Monday at Create With Joy
Inspire Me Monday is hosted by Create With Joy

The Good, The Random, The Fun is hosted by Tamar

The Dedicated House
Make It Pretty Monday is hosted by Kathryn

Amaze Me Monday is hosted by Cindy

 Inspiring Photography/Catching the Light is hosted by NatureFootstep

lorik art
Mandarin Orange Monday is hosted by Lorik

Smiling Sally
Blue Monday is hosted by Sally

Mix it up Monday is hosted by Lisa

Whimsical Windows, Delirious Doors is hosted by Toby

Boogieboard Cottage
Masterpiece Monday is hosted by Mary

Monday Mural is hosted by Oakland Daily Photo

Magpie Tales is hosted by Tess Kincaid aka Willow

Mad Kane's Limerick-Offs is hosted by Madeleine Begun Kane

Succinctly Yours is hosted by Grandma's Goulash

Mosaic Monday
Mosaic Monday is hosted by Judith at Lavender Cottage


Monday 28.5.12 + Monday 24.12.12
+ Sunday 15.12.13
+ Monday 14.7.14 + Monday 15.12.14

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sunday Memes

Shadow Shot Sunday 2 is hosted by Magical Mystical Teacher + Rose(chubskulit) + Gemma Wiseman

Straight Out of the Camera Sunday (SOOC) is hosted by Magical Mystical Teacher + Gemma Wiseman

Sunday's Whirligig is hosted by Magical Mystical Teacher
12 words are posted each Wednesday

Colourful is the World is hosted by Flottelotta Blau

Shine the Divine
I Heart Macro is hosted by Laura

Black and White Sunday is hosted by Paula

6 hosts from around the world

Sunday Stills is hosted by Ed

Haiku Horizons is hosted by oneofaclass

Sunday Snippets - A Catholic Carnival is hosted by RAnn

Song-Ography is hosted by Kath

Inspired Sunday is hosted by Sally

The Bird D'Pot is hosted by Anni

Sunday Sketches is hosted by Alexandra

Silent Sunday is hosted by cosmicgirlie

Silly Sunday is hosted by Steve

Sunday Stealing is hosted by Judd Corizan

Photo Three of a Kind (Fototriss) is hosted by Helena Friberg

Theme announced each Saturday

Sentimental Sundays is hosted by DT members - Ann E., Annika, Chris, and Joanna Ceal, Cheryl, and Kimberly!

Sunday Whirl is hosted by Brenda W

The Poetry Pantry is hosted @ Poets United

Photo Sunday is hosted by Noah Clark

Camera Critters
Camera Critters is hosted by Misty + supported by Tammy

Pet Pride is hosted by Bozo and magiceye @ wingsandpaws

Sundays in My City is hosted by Unknown Mami

Sunday 27.5.12 + Sunday 23.12.12 
+ Sunday 14.4.13 + Sunday 15.12.13
+ Sunday 22.6.14 + Sunday 14.12.14