Weekend Reflections is hosted by James

Saturday PhotoHunt is hosted by Sandi

Saturday's Photo Hunting is hosted by Gattina

Colourful Weekends is hosted by May

I Heart Macro is hosted by Lori

Weekend in Black and White is hosted by Dragonstar

Saturday Shot is hosted by Birgitta

Sweet Saturdays is hosted by Diana Evans

Pink Saturday is hosted by Beverly @ How Sweet the Sound

Worth Loving Photo Challenge is hosted by Mercedes

Saturday Soiree is hosted by A Little Lovely

Flowers on Saturday is hosted by Ewa
Macro Flowers Saturday is hosted by maiaT

Six Word Saturday is hosted by Cate @ Show My Face

Crazy Over Purple Saturdays is hosted by bambi

Unique Exposure's Photo Challenge is hosted by xerraire

ShutterDay is hosted by Homer Laffoone

ABC Photo Challenge is hosted by Barb Phillips

Lots of Laughter - The Saturday Smiles Meme - is hosted by Leo

Straight Out of the Camera Saturday is hosted by Marvelous Mommy

Saturday Sampling is hosted by Mrs4444 @ Half-Past Kissin' Time

Round Robin Photo Challenge is hosted by Carly

Photo Time is hosted by fredamans @ Day One

Quote it Saturday is hosted by fredamans @ Freda's Voice

Walk in the Street Challenge is hosted by Walk in New York

The Brenda Photo Challenge is a monthly event hosted by Brenda
Shannara's Saturday Mix is a photomeme with a weekly prompt

Saturday Centus - photo 100 word writing prompt - is hosted by Jenny Matlock

Just Write Workshop is hosted by Lindsey @ Dishwater Dreams
Weekend Wordsmith is hosted by Rich